These conversations all served to remind us of everything Barry has which Hunter does not. Of course, that couldn’t last, but that might have been the whole point. The first time we’ve seen Earth-1 Iris hold a gun? In short, they were behaving like a family. Well, here was The Flash front-loading an episode with continual moments of these people simply talking to each other and being present as friends, brothers, fathers and daughters, fathers and sons, mentor and student, etc. It vaguely reminded me of how a lot of Age of Ultron reviewers argued they could have taken a whole movie of just that party scene where the Avengers all tried to lift Thor’s hammer.

Cisco used Star Wars to explain why he’s afraid of enhancing his vibe powers, and Barry re-assured him and settled his fears. Harry asked Joe to talk Barry out of his plans to take the fight back to Zoom, and Joe responded by asking Harry to help Barry achieve this goal instead of trying to stand in the way of them. Caitlin asked Iris how she was doing, and they talked about how Iris now wants to pursue a romance with Barry. Still, it was refreshing to see everyone simply interacting with each other in such a comfortable way.īarry gave Joe advice about Wally (dude clearly wants to move in with his dad). So it’s not exactly like everyone was simply hanging out and enjoying their free time in a down week. Instead, it was just a series of conversations, as if the momentary lull in the action allowed everyone to stop and ask, “How are you doing? Let’s catch up.” Of course, many of those somewhat casual conversations were taking place precisely because everyone was rallying around Barry as he neared a crucial next step in his conflict with Zoom. There were precious few action sequences. There was no metahuman-of-the-week to track and defeat. Hunter is what Barry theoretically could have become if Joe and Iris hadn’t taken him in so many years ago.īefore we got that point, though, “Versus Zoom” was one of the most casual, low-key episodes of The Flash that I can recall. When Hunter trods out his own version of the the old standard “we are not so different, you and I” speech during their epic confrontation we know he’s telling the truth. The Flash’s “Versus Zoom” ran with the notion that Zoom/Hunter Zolomon is essentially a dark shadow version of Barry.