Of course, young Frank, or 'Junior,' as his father affectionately refers to him throughout this rugged, PG-13 rated, 96-minute opus, gets tangled up with a quartet of duplicitous dames.Anna Loan Chabanol of "Fading Gigolo" contacts Frank at a restaurant after he refuses to discuss a deal over the phone. Actually, Frank, Senior, probably wouldn't have volunteered for some of the shenanigans that he finds himself embroiled in, but he behaves as if his heart were in it. Frank, Senior Ray Stevenson of "Punisher-War Zone" is a former British Intelligence agent who has been put out to pasture and doesn't savor the prospect of listening to his arteries hardening. This time around Frank Martin doesn't have to second guess French Police Inspector Tarconi, because Tarconi wasn't written into "Refueled." Instead, Frank Martin must forever contend with his father's constant criticism. The melodrama of either any "Transporter" movie or television episode grows out of our hero's decision to break his own rules. Indeed, the same rules still stand in "The Transporter Refueled." First, Frank dictates that the deal must never change.

Naturally, the production values are stunning the scenery is gorgeous the close-quarters combat scenes savage enough the sexy babes provocative and Michel Julienne's careening car chase sequences are exhilarating.Neither Delamarre nor scenarists Adam Cooper and Bill Cottage of the forthcoming "Allegiant: Part 1," including Luc Besson of the original "Transporter," have tampered with the formula. Stevenson and Skrein have chemistry together, and it will be a sad day when one or the other departs from the franchise. Instead of Inspector Marcel Tarconi François Berléand interfering with Frank Martin's activities, the new Transporter has to put up with his dear old dad, and British actor Ray Stevenson relishes the parental role with scene-stealing charm.

Clearly, if the franchise performs at the box office like the Statham trilogy, Skrein could own the role until he sheds that lean, hungry, wolfish tenacity that he brings to his younger Frank Martin.Meantime, "Brick Mansions" director Camille Delamarre stages several dynamic scenes in this swiftly-paced, $22-million thriller with as many audacious but entertaining escapades as any of Statham's "Transporter" epics ever delivered. Add to it his blue-collar British accent, and Skrein is reminiscent of Michael Caine when he was a Young Turk. Skrein looks like he was born to kick butt, and he radiates a raw-edged spontaneity that makes him ideal as Statham's replacement. Skrein looks like a far younger Frank Martin, and I believe writer/producer Luc Besson cast the former "Game of Thrones" actor for this quality.

Because he fits Frank Martin like a surgical glove.